Project Name: Action for Impact(A4I)

Last Modified: 2020-12-15


Project: Action for Impact (A4I)

Youth Leadership Towards Accountability of the Sustainable Development Goals


Working area: Nilphamari district

Programme delivery period: 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2021

Strategic Objctive:

  1. Advancement of full, productive and decent work for young women and men
  2.  Increased access to quality youth and gender responsive public services
  3.  Increased youth participation and expanded democratic space at all levels of decision making

Note that USS is working to achieve Strategic Objectives 2 and 3.


Strategic Objective 1: Full, productive economic opportunities and decent work for young women and men

Long Term Outcome

Young people in strong alliances with other actors (state and non-state) are influencing and holding governments and private sector to account on provision of economic opportunities and decent work for themselves at local and national level.

Intermediate outcome 1:

Young people are skilled and empowered to take leadership and inspire others to engage in demanding economic opportunities and decent work for youth.

Intermediate outcome 2:

Young people systematically analyse experienced challenges within economic opportunities and decent work for youth and design advocacy strategies and plans towards local / national government and private sector institutions (in line with UNGP, National Labour Law, NYP etc.)

Intermediate outcome 3:

Young people’s networks, consortiums and CSOs are strengthened and linked with other actors at local and national level.

Organize events/dialogue session with youth related  linked actors

Establish social media platform for youth

Intermediate Outcome 4:

Young people are skilled and engaged in employment and social entrepreneurship

Strategic Objective 2: Quality youth and gender responsive public services

Long Term Outcome

Young people in strong alliance with other actors (state and non-state) are influencing and holding governments to account on the delivery of quality youth and gender responsive public services and increased budgetary allocation against said services through progressive taxation at local and national levels

Intermediate outcome 2.1: 

Young people are empowered, take leadership and inspire others to engage on issues pertaining to youth and gender responsive public service and progressive taxation

Intermediate outcome 2.2: 

Young people systematically analyse experienced challenges within youth and gender responsive public service and progressive taxation, and design advocacy strategies and plans towards local and national government

Intermediate outcome 2.3: 

Young people organize in networks and alliances with other actors at local, national and global levels

Strategic Objective 3: Participatory democracy and youth representation

Long Term Outcomes: Young people in strong alliance with other actors (state and non-state) are promoting pluralism, social cohesion and increased youth representation in decision making structures/processes at local, national and global level

Intermediary Outcomes : 3.1 Young people are empowered, take leadership and inspire others to demand access to and engage in decision making structures/processes at local, national and global level

  • Capacity development of young people on participatory democracy and influencing electoral manifestos; Establish a pooled resource mechanism to promote and facilitate youth-led accountability of SDGs
  • Co-convene consultation on addressing key demands at local elections
  • Co-convene consultation on addressing key demands at national elections
  • Young people and their coalitions monitor election manifestos at local level
  • Young people and their coalitions monitor election manifestos at national level


  1. Young people systematically analyse experienced challenges within participatory democracy, youth representation, pluralism and social cohesion and design advocacy strategies and plans towards local/national government and/or corporate actors/community

•Research into impediments to social cohesion, pluralism and peaceful  coexistence-conceptualised as constituents of democracy, and on ways to strengthening engagement of young people to promote social cohesion and coexistence

• Facilitate intergenerational dialogue(s), campaign

• Local level dialouges (e.g. policy cafes) and lobby with local institutions (e.g. political parties, business associations, etc.) and other actors including policy-makers around youth endorsement

• National level dialouges (e.g. policy cafes) and lobby with local institutions (e.g. political parties, business associations, etc.) and other actors including policy-makers around youth endorsement


3.3 Young people organize in networks and alliances with other actors in civil society at local, national and global level

Co-convene a multi stakeholder conference on youth led accountability on the SDGs to uphold international commitments on civic space [linked with SO2 LTO 3)

Conduct 1 webinar focused on cross learning, advocacy and lobbying on SDGs

Participation in key global campaigns (i.e. #youthpower, #nottooyoungtorun)