Them of the year “Open budget announcement is essential for the establishment of good governance “at Local government (Union Level) parisad. USS organized the capacity development for the UP Chairman & secretary through facilitated the orientation by respective authority on 27 March-2018 at CLC, Jaldhaka in Nilphamari supported by Plan International. Md Kaykobad Hossain Project Coordinator ( PC) CRP Project welcomed to the participants and introduced among them and also described background of the event
Objectives of the events are:
To increase the skill & knowledge on open budget (Participatory plans & Budget)for respectivepersonnel .
To strengthening ward meeting through rising the voice of community people and reflected their demand in plans & budget.
The Orientation was conducted by Uttom Kumar Roy, UNO- Jaldhaka & Md. Abu Hena Mostofa kamal , District Facilitator (DF) LGESP 03 deputy commission office Nilphamari.
Facilitator Md Adu Hena Mostofa Kamal – Started the orientation to described the historical background of Union parisad . Union Parisad is playing proactive role to community development. As per their role, they are trying to increase the participation to prepare & implementation UP budget through involvement of community people.Facilitator facilitates the session are below:
Facilitator Uttom Kumar Ray , UNO Jaldhaka was facilitated administrative part from government side which are below:
Need to develop the capacity for UP bodies to prepare the open budget & its application.
Some comments of the participants are below:
I am very happy to joined the orientation in previously we didn’t participated the orientation to prepare the up budget. I think that it is helpful to us for preparation the UP Budget -------- Md . Shorhab Hossain ( Thuin) Chairman Khathali Union – Jaldhaka.
I would like to request District Facilitator (DF) to providing support for approval the project in due time to ensure the quality of work. This first time we have received the orientation --------- Md. Moksadur Rahman ( Sobuj) UP Secretary – Dowabari union parisad.
UNO & DF ( LGESP) Deputy commissioner office, thank to Plan & USS to organized the orientation for capacity development of up bodies. Participants realize that it is helpful to prepare the budget through community engagement. That end of the orientation to prepare the plan of action for open budget declaration session which are below:
SL |
Name Union |
Date of open budget declarations session |
1 |
Gulmonda Union |
15th May 2018 |
2 |
Balagram Union |
10th May 2018 |
3 |
Shoul mari Union |
14th May 2018 |
4 |
Kaimary Union |
13th May 2018 |
5 |
Khutamara union |
16th May 2018 |
6. |
Shimul bari Union |
07th May 2018 |
8 |
Dormopal Union |
10th May 2018 |
Reported by: PC, R2PP09 |
Golna Union |
9th May 2018 |
10 |
Khathali Union |
09th May 2018 |
11 |
Mirganj Union |
20th May 2018 |
Reported by: Project Coordinator, R2PP, USS