Women Development, Child Rights Protection and Gender Equality

Last Modified: 2018-05-21

For increasing duty bearer more responsible USS organized meeting, gathering, training, workshop with up level, up standing committee level.  For this the flowing impact has occurred in the project area that ensure Empowerment of deprived people through gender equality.

  • 650 people have gotten health facilities form near community clinic like as medicine and treatment.
  • Some duty bearer has taken initiatives to provide equal wages among women and men who work in their house.
  • Taken initiative to reduce Gender discrimination in the project area.
  • Financial capability increased for deprive people after end of the project
  • Accessibility increased of deprived  people at local resource & services after  end of the project.

Gender discrimination decreased.

USS Believe & incorporate Gender concept in all of its activities. All of its major activity to bring gender equality among the community, USS involves the total community people with this program. The community people are local government representatives, NGOs and employees, school teachers and student. USS working to build 10 gender model villages to achieve the gender indicators,  so that the result is replicated in other adjacent villages in time. To achieve gender equality USS organize and conduct some activity like training, workshop, discussion meeting on community basis and also family based discussion meeting to establish:

  • Women ownership over family properties (Land, Furniture, and Ornament) increased significantly in 50 families.
  • 45% participants are taking decision of household work and buying and selling of necessary commodities
  •  35% Male members are doing household work in their family; as a result women are participating in outside income generation work.
  • Social and economic activities of 45 participants have been increased.
  • 20 women are participating in various local level decision making committees. (SMC, Tree plantation Committee, Nari O Shishu Nirjatan Protiroth Committee, Word Committee)
  • 40% women are participating in local level cultural activities i.e.  Gono Natok, folk song etc.
  • Women torture has been decreased in 50% participant’s family.

Leadership capability increased.

 USS  has organized new female & male groups with nursing all targeted  groups and arranged social leadership development program such as democratic rights , necessity of local election, necessity of participation etc. for target members and community leaders.  The flowing impact has occurred in the project area:

  • 20% female leader are playing role in local level Salish.
  • 55 women raised their torture and opposing objection openly.
  • 45% female and male jointly doing cultural program in the project area.
  • 15 early marriages have stopped in project area.
  • 10 marriages has completed without any dowry.
  • 25% women destitute of  honors increased their family.