Does the Complain Concern a USS?  Yes    No
Name of the person/organization who you wish to lodge a complaint against

You must fill out the partner name!

Date of Incident:
Place of Incident:
Date of Reporting:
Type of Complaint or Incident:

USS Employee Issues:

 Breach of the Code of Conduct (employee behaviour incl. sexual exploitation,
harassment, corruption, crime)
 Employee incidents relating to accidents, desease, security threats or work

Other issues related to partners and USS in general:

 Operational issues relating to USS´s work (commitments not met, quality,
implementation, management of a programme, etc.)
 Corruption and fraud relating to partners.
 Organised crime (according to national law)
 Late reporting from partners
 Other(Type Below)

Brief Description:
Who else was there?
(If You want to be anonymous, USS cannot guarantee that the complaint can be investigated.)
 Yes    No
Name of the Complainant:
Job Title:
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