Orientation on Midterm Review of Five Years Development Plan

Last Modified: 19 August 2018

Bangladesh is a more population country. Where are 34.22 percent youth people that need to be develop youth people knowledge and skill and develop as human resource. Udayankur Seba Sangstha (USS) has started a project name Action for Impact (A4I) project funded by actionaid Bangladesh. The project implementation strategy is rights base approaches which will contribute sexual reproductive health rights, education, gender responsive service increase and create access in service and influence budget allocation for youth development.

USS has organized an orientation on five years development plan midterm review of Bamunia Union parisad by Arpon Youth group member following lecture, Question and answer and group discussion under Action for Impact (A4i) project funded by actionaid Bangladesh at USS chilahati office on 4th August’2018 for midterm review of five year development plan of Bamunia Union parisad of Domer upazila. Alauddin Ali Executive Director of USS, Abdul Kudus Coordinator M&E and Abdur Rouf Programme acilitator W/HRD project of USS were present in the orientation. 25 Participants of Arpon youth group were present in the orientation.

Discussion issue was in orientation session;

  • Strategic objective of  A4i project
  • SDG
  • What is the five years development plan?
  • How to do develop five years development plan?
  • What and how to do develop the Seventh year development plan of Bangladesh?
  • Why to do midterm review the five years development plan?
  • How to do collect data from UP member and chairman?
  • Exercise by the group work five years developments plan how to do review at ward level and UP level.
  • How to do validate collected data?

Youth group member skill and knowledge has developed regarding presentation, gather knowledge about A4i project, created awareness about their rights and entitlements and increase barraging capacity through the orientation.  They have formed group and developed plan how to do collect data from ward level and organize meeting at word level.

Prepared by: Mukta Rani Ray, Coordinator, Action for Impact (A4I) Project,USS,Chilahati,Nilphamari