The project was collaboration with the European Union. Udayankur Seba Sangstha (USS) & News Network, Dhaka is implementing the project "Programming for Supporting Human Rights Defenders Working for Women's and Girl's Rights in Bangladesh" funded by European Union. The Startup workshop was held of the project at the Deputy Commissioner's conference room in Kurigram district on 22 May’2018. Mst. Sultana Parvin DC of Kurigram was present the program as chief guest. Md. Asraful Islam, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) of Kurigram; Mr. S M Jobaydul Ialam, Deputy Director of Social Welfare Department of Kurigram; Mr. Md Shahajahan Ali, District Information Officer of Kurigram; Mst. Shahana Akter, District women’s Affairs Officer of Kurigram and Mr. Shahiduzzaman, Chief Executive News Network, Dhaka were present as the Special guest in the program. SM Shamiul Huq, provided opening speech as chairperson; Mr. Alauddin Ali provided welcome speech; News Network Chief Executive Mr Shahiduzzaman presented regarding the project goals and objectives through PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Alauddin Ali, Executive Director of USS was as moderator of the open discussion session. Moderator said that journalists efficiency will be increase through the project who are involved in ensuring human rights, giving fellowships to women journalists, giving full support to human rights defenders and Human Rights Defenders will be provided overall support under this project. Many participants including journalists to do different types of questions regarding different issues in the open discussion session and News Network Chief Executive Mr. Shahiduzzaman answered all the questions; they provide future direction of the project. They expressed success of the project. Total 124 participants participated in the program among them 60 journalists from print, electronic and online media of the district; 21 local NGO/CSOs representatives; 20 religious leaders; senior government officials 12; Local leader 3 with 8 camera person.
Mr. Ashraful Islam, special guest said, if we take part on account of human rights & if think I'm correct then many problems will be solved. A young people are beating a man in the city streets and many people are passing away by seeing them and nobody is saying anything but a human rights activist protested it & tried to solve the problem, it's human rights activists from their own responsibility. We have to ensure human rights of our family members.
Chief Guest Mst. Sultana Parvin, Deputy Commissioner of Kurigram provide thanks to News Network and the USS at the beginning of her speech for including the Kurigram district for implementing such a project. She said to all participants who are invited here to contributing development of society from their respective places. We also do the same kind of work as the government employees, so we are members of the same team, she conveyed the wishes of the holy month of Ramadan to everyone, Where are the main causes of women's persecution, we have to work in the main place of the problem.
She also said "It is good to know that you will add some womens to journalism".
Reported by: MA Rouf, Program Facilitator, Supporting Human Rights Defenders Working for Women’s and Girl’s project.