Refreshers training of seed model farmers held on Seed production, harvest, collection & preservation under Seeds of Survival (SoS) project at USS head office, Nilphamari on 16th July’2018 for remind and add of new technical knowledge and sharing skill to each other of seed model farmers. Udayankur Seba Sangshta (USS) implemented the training supported with the USC Canada. 30 participants participated in the training. There were 29 female and 1 male participants among the participants. The training was inaugurated by Abdul Kuddus Sarker Coordinator M&E of USS. The training was facilitated over all by Md. Jomil, Project Coordinator, Seeds of Survival (SoS) Project and Nonogopal Roy CF of SoS project played co-facilitator role.
The following topics were discussed in the training:
1) What is seeds? Concepts of quality seed.
2) Production technology of vegetables seeds.
3) Pest control by organic pesticide.
4) Identification of beneficial and harmful insects and control
5) Demonstration of vegetables seeds germination and preservation technique.
6) Planning of vegetables seeds production and marketing.
All participants were committed that they will apply the gathered knowledge in case of seed production and will share knowledge to their own group members. They have planned to available vegetables seeds in their community and reduce dependency on seeds sellers.
Prepared by:
Md. Jomil, Project Coordinator, SoS Project, USS, Nilphamari